Attending to Moments

It was Winter Solstice ~ my favorite day of the year, for my soul knows that each day forward offers increased light. How glorious! On that morning, looking out into the world from a cozy sunroom, I received the most delightful gift: falling snowflakes intersected by rays of light. How does one describe this winter scene without sounding cliché?  

How about: A mesmerizing drift of airborne diamonds in no hurry to arrive any place in particular? Aaah . . . yes, those words capture the feeling of lightness and spaciousness that fed my soul that morning. I love those kinds of days, don’t you? And I love how recalling a peaceful experience holds the power to re-gift the original soul-nourishing feeling of aliveness. Now that’s magic!

On that particular morning, I wished to seize the moment in a more tangible way than relying on memory alone. With camera in hand, I headed outdoors to participate with the snowflake dance. Trying to photograph a moment in time, especially a moving-moment in time, presents challenges. My initial tranquility vanished as the camera lens continually zoomed in and out, churning away with a sound of confusion. My impatient Ego complained, “The snow, not the tree! Can’t you see what I am seeing! Focus here, not there! URRG.”

When I finally surrendered all expectations for that perfect “shot,” the exhilaration of being immersed in beauty took over. Who cares about perfection? I was breathing in charged air, playing with light, lost in the experience.

Later that day, I reviewed the images on my computer, and discovered that my camera actually had known exactly what to focus on. Typically, many photos fit the “dud” category. However, every so often a photo will leap off the screen and straight into my heart. That’s what happened when I saw the photo below. My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe my eyes or more precisely, I couldn’t believe the soul-stirring resonance I felt within my entire being. My Inner Wisdom boldly commanded, “Be fully present. Here is something that transcends the limits of what you thought possible. Stay with the feeling; let go of the form. Let this moment’s truth sink deep into your being.”

When I listen to my Inner Wisdom, a most wonderful event takes place. Words begin to pour out as though they were encased in the experience and my attention to the moment is their only hope for freedom. These carriers of meaning glide onto the page and assemble a poem without thought or effort, as tranquilly as snow diamonds pirouetting on invisible currents of air.

This photo activated something within. Yes, it is out of focus. Yet perhaps this altered perception allowed new meaning to meld with my heart, freeing me from stale ideas trapped by habitual thinking. My thoughts (initially focused solely on the form of the snowflakes) expanded, and in this broadened state of awareness I became intensely tuned into the essence of the experience. A deeper meaning beyond form arose and the words of the following poem fell softly from my pen soon after.


LIGHT is alive
LIGHT is intelligent
LIGHT is love
LIGHT is the fuel of our highest dreams


You may not see what I see. You may sense a different meaning. Or you may see a blurry photograph of no value. There is no attempt on my part to convince you of anything. I simply wish to share how a sleeping wisdom in my bones stirred, arose and shook my mind into a new reality.  I remain in a state of awe and amazement in knowing (remembering?) that light is alive. Holy S*#t!!!  Light is not the chemical or physical substance I believed it to be all these years.

We all know there is something special about light. We feel it when we watch the sun rise or set. We feel it when we bask in a sunbeam. We feel it when spring arrives. Our language alludes to the power of light in a multitude of ways.

Yet weren’t we taught that light is inert? Weren’t we told that the transformation of light into useable energy (aka glucose) is a straightforward chemical reaction with a complex formula we must regurgitate for the exam (and then dismiss as we rush on to “learn” the next subject)?

Light’s leap from inert substance to living, intelligent life force opens a gateway to profound connection. All the spiritual scripts talk about light is one way or another. Being brought up as a Christian, I heard, “God is the light of the world,” and “We are made in God’s image.” Did anyone say that light was alive? If they did, I wasn’t listening. Or perhaps I wasn’t ready to comprehend.

“Light is alive. Light is alive. Light is alive.” I roll the snowflake mantra ’round and ’round in my consciousness. With repeated reflection, I realize how visualization (essentially the harvesting of this living life force) can lead to manifestation of our dreams. In other words:

Living Light + Human Attention to Essence

=  Activation of Our Divine Role in Creation  

 I wish that formula was taught in schools!

I am humbled by gaining a glimpse into the “how” of visualization. I know visualization works for I have experienced its transformative power many times. Now with a greater understanding of my role as non-judgemental activator, visualization has evolved from “a cool process” into a daily duty aligned with my core values. Not duty as in “heavy burden” or “must do.” Duty as in “Wow! Transformation of the world into a place of inclusive peace for all beings truly is possible!”

As we participate in the unfurling of another year, it is lovely to ponder how we might tap into the living light that surrounds us—always and everywhere. What beauty might we create individually and collectively as we harvest the light and sculpt the energy into words, thoughts and actions? So many opportunities await!

With love and light,


“Attending to Moments” was originally published in the January 2019 edition of Conversations with the Land. To receive your free copy of my monthly newsletter and event discounts, please subscribe at bottom of my website. Thank you!